Contoh drama 2 tempat bahasa sunda buhun
Contoh drama 2 tempat bahasa sunda buhun

contoh drama 2 tempat bahasa sunda buhun

The main focus of this study is‍to‍emphasize‍the‍significances‍of ‍the‍position‍of ‍Mustapa's‍dangding in the light of network of Islamic scholars in the archipelago and of the contribution of Sundanese mystical dangding to the local literacy traditions and to the making of Sundanese-Islamic identity. The article discusses dangding as one of Sundanese metrical verses‍by‍a‍renown‍Sundanese‍poet,‍Haji‍Hasan‍Mustapa‍(1852-1930).‍It‍is‍ argued that dangding of Mustapa demonstrates a type of dialogue between sufism‍and‍Sundanese‍culture.‍Through‍his‍dangding, Mustapa successfully brought Islamic mysticism into Sundanese minds.

contoh drama 2 tempat bahasa sunda buhun

In many scholarly discussions, the network of Malay-Indonesian ulama has gained important attention as it is maintained as the major element contributing to the process of Islamization in Sunda region (West Java), whereas the articulation of Islam in the lights of the indigenization efforts of Islam is often neglected. It significantly represents the so-called safari and cultural migrant as a form of local expression in the global era.

contoh drama 2 tempat bahasa sunda buhun

Through the t-shirts design, Hasan Mustapa's dangding manuscript can be disseminated into the Islamic public sphere.

contoh drama 2 tempat bahasa sunda buhun

The t-shirts became an alternative media that represents an effort to strengthen the local culture as well as to indigenize religious values in contemporary Indonesia. Through culture identity theory, the study confirm that anthropologically the manuscript can be transfered into any media. The design of Hasan Mustapa's t-shirts has been a part of the new meaning of Sundanese literary script in the creative economy era of Indonesia. Hasan Mustapa's dangding t-shirts was really appreciated by its consumers from the Sundanese community and the observers of Hasan Mustapa's thought. Hasan Mustapa is a great Sundanese poet whose name is make into one of the street names in Bandung. The main source is Sundanese manuscript of Haji Hasan Mustapa's dangding (1852-1930) which is transfered into t-shirts design. This study discusses the revitalization of Sundanese manuscripts in the formation of local cultural identity through creative economy of fashion industry in West Java.

Contoh drama 2 tempat bahasa sunda buhun